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Services for Children: Services
Children playing with a puzzle


A small-group session for parents and children entering junior or senior kindergarten in September. The program is run jointly by our speech-language pathologist, communicative disorders assistant, and occupational therapist, and aims to support the transition to school. Two camps are being offered the last two weeks of August.

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Kids reading outdoors at summer literacy camp


Intensive literacy camps for children entering grades 1 to 3 and 4 to 6. The program will be supervised by a speech-language pathologist and an occupational therapist in a fun and interactive small-group environment. Five camps are being offered the week of July 8–12, the week of August 12–16, and a four-day camp on July 30, August 1, 6, and 8.

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Two teens making breakfast and developing independent life skills


A summer program for pre-teens and young teens who would benefit from assistance in developing basic independent life skills. The small-group session will be supervised by an occupational therapist and a communications disorders assistant. Two camps are being offered the week of July 15–19, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

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