Telephone: 705.640.0668
A psychodiagnostic assessment is an in-depth assessment that aims to diagnose and provide clarity about mental health symptoms that may be negatively impacting daily living.
Adults who request a psychodiagnostic assessment may display the following symptoms:
Feel distressed or lack motivation.
Experience a traumatic life event.
Present symptoms of anxiety or depression.
Have feelings of hopelessness and no longer get pleasure from activities they used to enjoy.
Find it hard to leave the house or socialize.
Struggle to return to typical activities after isolation and pandemic restrictions.
Experience severe mood swings or angry behaviour.
Have suicidal thoughts or behaviours.
Struggle with alcohol or drug addiction.
Experience workplace difficulties.​

What does a psychodiagnostic assessment look like?
Every assessment starts with us getting to know you through an intake interview and relevant questionnaires. We will then recommend testing according to your presentation.
We complete the in-person part of the assessment over multiple appointments consisting of data collection via interviews, behavioural observations, questionnaires, standardized tests, document reviews, and consultations. Finally, we provide you with a full report and schedule a feedback appointment to discuss the report and recommend next steps.
What can I expect from a psychodiagnostic assessment?
The aim of a psychodiagnostic assessment is to provide the following:
Find a reason why these feelings or behaviours are present.
Provide a mental health diagnosis.
Provide recommendations and referrals to community partners to help gain access to resources and possible funding.
Provide information about next steps or treatment options.
Provide clarity, hope, and guidance.​