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How to Help Your Child Use Pronouns: A Crucial Step in Language Development

Genna Nichol

By the age of three, your child should be using pronouns like "I," "you," "me," and "we" correctly. These words are key for your child to express themselves clearly.

How you can help your child use pronouns:

  1. Have everyday conversations

Use pronouns in your daily talk. For example, "I am eating. What are you doing?" Encourage them to respond with "I am..."

  1. Model pronouns

Regularly model pronouns like "I like this" or "You are helping me!" This repetition helps children learn when to use each pronoun in a variety of contexts.

Father and child baking and talking
  1. Play pronoun games

Try "Simon Says" with pronouns, like "Simon says you dance" or "Simon says we jump."

  1. Practice interactive storytelling

Ask questions during story time, like "Is it you or me?" or "What are we doing?"

Family reading a book together
  1. Praise their efforts

Encourage and celebrate when they use pronouns properly, for example "Great job saying 'I'!" If they use a pronoun incorrectly, give them a choice cue by asking, “Is it ‘I’ jump or ‘you’ jump?” This will help them learn to self correct.



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