Telephone: 705.640.0668
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts social, cognitive, communication, and motor skills. Although signs typically appear in the first two years of life, ASD can be diagnosed at any age.
People on the autism spectrum typically display several of the following behaviours:
Avoid eye contact.
Do not respond to their name.
Do not initiate or participate in interactive or pretend games.
Do not interact with other children or have difficulty making or carrying on conversation.
Have difficulty navigating social relationships or interpreting social cues.
Play by lining up toys and fixing them back into the line if disturbed.
They may also:
Exhibit delayed language, learning, cognitive, and movement skills.
Repeat words or phrases (known as echolalia) or may engage in frequent, lengthy monologues on the same subject.
Use few to no gestures or facial expressions.
Do not notice other people’s emotions or feelings and have difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling.
Present uncommon mood or emotional reactions.
Display repetitive behaviour and rigid thinking patterns.
Display unusual eating habits and sleep schedules and need to follow set routines.​​

What does an autism assessment look like?
Every assessment starts with us getting to know you and your child through an intake interview and relevant questionnaires. We will then recommend testing according to your child’s presentation.
We complete the in-person part of the assessment over multiple appointments consisting of data collection via interviews, behavioural observations, questionnaires, standardized tests, document reviews, and consultations. Finally, we provide you with a full report and schedule a feedback appointment to discuss the report and recommend next steps.
What autism services are offered at Aspire?
Evidence shows that early intervention and support for children on the autism spectrum are critical to their development. Our therapists are trained to diagnose and support children and adolescents on the spectrum in the following ways:
​Administer a variety of standardized assessment measures to diagnose autism and identify any skill areas that need support.
Provide evidence-based speech and language intervention including articulation therapy, early language development, and language and literacy support.
Provide individualized occupational therapy to assist with the functions of daily living.
Work with family doctors, pediatricians, and other healthcare professionals to access services.
Provide referrals to community partners and services to assist families in gaining access to supports and resources.
Recommend programs that are right for the child. Our therapists are trained in More Than Words® — the Hanen parent training program, the Gestalt language therapy approach, the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), and other programs such as Proloquo2Go, TD Snap, and LAMP Words for Life to support communication.