Telephone: 705.640.0668
A psychological assessment is used to understand more about an individual's functioning, behaviour, learning, strengths, and needs. Areas assessed include intelligence, memory, academic ability, attention, concentration, executive functions, behaviours, functional life skills, visual-motor skills, and social-emotional functioning.
Adults who request a psychological assessment have often recognized the following in themselves and are looking for answers:
​Notice a change in their performance or abilities as it relates to work skills, managing tasks at home, memory, attention, and processing speed.
Take longer to do reports and finish work compared to their colleagues.
Struggle to stay on task, problem solve, get organized, or manage their time effectively to meet deadlines.
Have difficulty making and maintaining personal and professional relationships.
Have a hard time recognizing social cues and have difficulty in social situations.
Struggle with self esteem and engage in negative self-talk.
Have difficulty dealing with stress.
Struggle engaging in functional activities of daily living.
Have a history of depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviour, trauma, difficulty concentrating, extreme mood changes of highs and lows, and other potentially disruptive symptoms.

What does a psychological assessment look like?
Every assessment starts with us getting to know you through an intake interview and relevant questionnaires. We will then recommend testing according to your presentation.
We complete the in-person part of the assessment over multiple appointments consisting of data collection via interviews, behavioural observations, questionnaires, standardized tests, document reviews, and consultations. Finally, we provide you with a full report and schedule a feedback appointment to discuss the report and recommend next steps.
What can I expect from a psychological assessment?
The outcome of a psychological assessment will help with the following:
​Determine the presence of learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), giftedness, and mental health disorders.
Identify individualized learning styles, needs, and strengths.
Provide recommendations for workplace modifications or accommodations.
Provide university and college students with the necessary documentation for accommodation and support through accessibility services and possible access to grants and bursaries.
Provide recommendations and referrals to community partners to help gain access to resources and possible funding.
Suggest technology to support needs.
Reduce frustration by providing answers.
Build confidence and success.